
Thursday, February 15, 2018

பூஞ்சை - தாவரமா ?

பூஞ்சைகள் மற்றும் காளான்கள் தாவர குடும்பத்தைச் சேர்ந்தவையா?   

இல்லை. அவைகள் முதலில் தாவரங்களின் கீழ் வகைப்படுத்தப்பட்டிருந்ன. (மண்ணில் இருந்து வளர்வதாலும், நாம் உண்ணும் காளான்கள் தாவரங்களைப் போலிருப்பதாலும்). இப்போது பூஞ்சை விலங்குகள் மற்றும் தாவரங்களுக்கு இணையான தனிக் குடும்பமாக (kingdom) இருக்கிறது. 

பூஞ்சைகக்காளான்களின் பெரும்பாலான குணங்கள் விலங்குகளையே ஒத்திருக்கிறது.  பூஞ்சைகளின் செல் சுவர் (cell wall) கைட்டின் (chitin) எனப்படும் பொருளால் ஆனது. இந்த கைட்டின் சில வகை பூச்சிகள் மற்றும் நண்டுகளின் ஓடு போன்றவற்றிலுள்ளது. தாவரகளின் செல் சுவர் செல்லுலோஸால் (cellulose) ஆனது. பூஞ்சைகள்  கிளைகோஜென் எனப்படும் பொருளை சேமித்து வைத்துப் பயன்படுத்துகிறது. இக்கிளைகோஜெனை உபயோகிக்கும் வழக்கம் தாவரங்களில் இல்லை.

குளோரோஃபில் (chlorophyll) என்னும் தாவரங்களில் காணப்படும் பச்சைய நிறமிகள்  பூஞ்சைகளில் இருப்பதில்லை. பூசணம் என்றழைக்கபடும் இப்பூஞ்சைகள் உணவுகளைத் தானே தயாரிக்காமல், பிற உயிரினங்களிலிருந்து நொதிகளின் உதவியுடன் உறிஞ்சி எடுத்துக் கொள்கிறது, எனவே இவை சார்பூட்ட உயிரிகள் (heterotrophs) என அழைக்கப்படுகிறது.

     பூஞ்சைகளைப் பற்றிய படிப்பிற்க்கு மைக்காலஜி (mycology) என்று பெயர்.

Friday, February 9, 2018



To separate and identify the amino acids in mixture by Paper chromatography


Chromatography is a physicochemical method for separation of complex mixtures and was discovered in 1903 by Russian-Italian botanist M. S. Tswett. It is the most powerful technique to separate and identify the substances in to the individual from the mixture based on their physicochemical properties. The compounds are separated on the basis of their partition coefficient between two immiscible phases.  The stationary phase is may be a solid or liquid, mobile phase is may be a solid, liquid or gas.

In paper chromatography the solutes applied to a piece of filter paper, the edge of the paper is immersed in a solvent, and the solvent moves up the paper by capillary action. Components of the mixture are carried along with the solvent up the paper to varying degrees, depending on the compound's preference to be adsorbed onto the paper versus being carried along with the solvent. The paper is composed of cellulose to which polar water molecules are adsorbed, while the solvent is less polar, usually consisting of a mixture of water and an organic liquid. The paper is called the stationary phase while the solvent is referred to as the mobile phase. Performing a chromatographic experiment is basically a three-step process: 1) application of the sample, 2) "developing" the chromatogram by allowing the mobile phase to move up the paper, and 3) calculating Rf values and making conclusions. In order to obtain a measure of the extent of movement of a component in a paper chromatography experiment, we can calculate an "Rf value" for each separated component in the developed chromatogram. An Rf value is a number that is defined as:

Materials Required:

Amino acid solution (2% each)
Solvent mixture of  n- butanol, acetic acid and water in the ratio 4:1:5 by volume.
Ninhydrin reagent.
Chromatography chamber
Micro syringe or capillary tube
Ninhydrin sprayer/ Atomiser


1. Whatman filter paper was cut into a rectangular piece of desired measurement.
2. A line of origin was marked approximately 2 cm from the bottom.
3. The given amino acid samples were placed as spots on the line of origin.
4. The paper was placed in a tank/chamber containing the solvent n butanol, acetic acid and  
5. The setup was left undisturbed for capillary action to draw the solvent up the paper until it is   
    approximately 1 cm from   the end.
5. After this process removed the paper and immediately drawn a pencil line across the solvent   
    top and allowed  the paper to dry.
6. Sprayed the locating reagent ninhydrin and dried the paper in oven at 105°C for 5 min.
7. Spots were located and the Rf value was determined using the formula.


The given amino acids were identified as ______   based on Rf value and results were tabulated.



To separate and identify the amino acids in mixture by thin layer chromatography


Thin layer chromatography is a simple, quick and inexpensive technique to identify the compound of interest in a mixture. The first reported use of a thin layer chromatography was in 1938 by two Russian scientists, N.A. Izmailov and M.S. Schreiber. This technique is highly useful in research laboratories to separate, identify and characterize the unknown compound. A TLC plate is made up of a thin layer of silica adhered to glass or aluminum for support. The silica gel acts as the stationary phase and the solvent mixture acts as the mobile phase. In the ideal solvent system the compounds of interest are soluble to different degrees. Separation results from the partition equilibrium of the components in the mixture.

In the simplest form of the technique, a narrow zone or spot of the sample mixture to be separated is applied near one end of the TLC plate and allowed to dry. The strip or plate is then placed with this end dipping in to the solvent mixture, taking care that the sample spot/zone is not immersed in the solvent. As the solvent moves towards the other end of the strip, the test mixture separates into various components. This is called as the development of TLC plates. The separation depends on several factors; (a) solubility: the more soluble a compound is in a solvent, the faster it will move up the plate. (b) attractions between the compound and the silica, the more the compound interacts with silica, the lesser it moves, (c) size of the compound, the larger the compound the slower it moves up the plate. 

The plate is removed after an optimal development time and dried and the spots/zones are detected using a suitable location reagent. An important characteristic used in thin layer chromatography is Rf value.

Materials Required:

Individual amino acid solution (2% each)
Solvent mixture of normal butanol, acetic acid and water in the ratio 4:1:5 by volume.
Ninhydrin reagent.

TLC plate.
TLC chamber.
Capillary tubes.
Reagent spray bottle.
Conical flasks.

Procedure :

1. A uniform layer of silica gel was applied on clean glass plate/slide with the help of an
     applicator (spreader).  Thickness of layer 0.25mm was made.
2. TLC plates were activated by heating in an oven at 100-150 C for about half an hour.
3. Poured the solvent mixture in to the TLC chamber and closed the chamber.
4. The chamber was not disturbed for about 30 minutes so that the atmosphere in the jar became    
     saturated with the solvent.
5. By pencil gently drawn a straight line across the plate approximately 2 cm from the bottom.
6. Using a capillary tube, a minute drop of amino acid was spotted on the line.   Allowed the spot
    to dry.
7. Spotted the second amino acid on the plate [enough space provided between the spots].
8. Repeated the above step for spotting the unknown acid.
9. The plate was placed in the TLC chamber (immersed the plate such that the line is above the
10. Allowed capillary action to draw the solvent up the plate until it is approximately 1 cm from   
      the end.
11. Removed the plate and immediately drawn a pencil line across the solvent top and allowed  
      the plate to dry
12. Sprayed the dry plate with ninhydrin reagent.
14. Dried the plates in hot air oven at 105°C for 5 min. [Ninhydrin  react with the faded spots
      of amino acids and made them visible as purple coloured spots.]
15. Then marked the center of the spots on the plates, measured the distance of the center of the
      spots from the origin and calculate the Rf values.


The given amino acids were identified as ______   based on Rf value and results were tabulated.

The Rf values with butanol-acetic acid- water solvent:  alanine 0.24, glutamic acid 0.25, glycine 0.2, leucine 0.58, valine 0.4, lysine 0.58, tyrosine 0.42.

Ref:,. (2011). Separation of Amino Acids by Thin Layer Chromatography