To find the generation time of microorganisms
by total viable count method.
number of cells capable of dividing and forming the colonies on solid medium
are called viable number cells. Total viable count method is more
convenience because there is virtually no other reliable and virtual way to
count living organisms. In this method, serial dilutions of a
sample containing viable microorganisms are plated onto a suitable growth
medium. The suspension is either spread onto the surface of agar plates (spread
plate method), or is mixed with molten agar, poured into plates, and allowed to
solidify (pour plate method). The plates are then incubated under conditions
that permit microbial reproduction so that colonies develop that can be seen
without the aid of a microscope. It is assumed that each bacterial colony
arises from an individual cell that has undergone cell division. Therefore, by
counting the number of colonies and accounting for the dilution factor, the
number of bacteria in the original sample can be determined.
-Nutrient agar
- 10- 12 hrs old
broth culture
-Sterile pipette
-L –rod
-Turn table
-Petri dishes
- The bacterial sample is serially diluting upto
104 dilutions (add 0.5 ml of sample in 4.5 ml of saline).
-Transfer the 0.1 ml from each dilution tubes to the
corresponding agar plates by spread plate technique.
- Incubate the plates at 37 ͦ c for 24 hours
- following the incubation number of cells will be
- Repeat this process from initial time of
inoculation (0th hour) to 7-8 times for every 30 min.
- Calculate the CFU each time and the results will be
tabulated and plotted the graph.
- To determine the generation time by using the formula
Gt = t2 - t1 (CFU2 -CFU1).
The generation time of _______cells found
to ________ min/hr.
CFU calculation:
No. of CFU / volume plated (ml) x total dilution used to No. of CFU/mL
Nutrient Agar Composition:
Beef extract 2g
Yeast extract 3g
Sodium chloride 5g
15 g
Distilled water 1000ml
Saline Preparation:
Saline Preparation:
0.9 gm of Nacl in 100ml of water.
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