ENDOSPORE STAINING (Schaeffer-Fulton method)
determine the spore forming (Endospore) bacteria by Schaeffer-Fulton method
Endospore staining is used to visualize
specialized cell structures. The endospore stain is used to determine the
highly resistant spores of certain microorganisms within their vegetative
cells. The multiple thick coats of the spore made the endospore resistant to
stain with most dyes. In Schaeffer-Fulton method, the primary stain, Malachite
Green, is added over the heat fixed bacterial smear and heated over a steam
bath for few minutes. This will soften the hard outer coverings of the spore
and the primary stain gets stick to the spore. When taken from the steam bath
followed by further cooling hardens the outer layer of the spore. During this
stage both the spore and vegetative cells appear as green in color. But later
the thick outer layer makes the spore resistant to the action of decolorizing
agent (water), but however, water can easily decolorize the vegetative
cells. When counterstained with Safranin, vegetative cells are easily
stained with Safranin, and the cells appear in red or pink color.
Materials required
Clean glass slide in box
Inoculation loop
Test organism
Absorbent paper
Boiling water in water bath
Water in wash bottle
Primary Stain – Malachite green
Counter stain - Safranin
1. Aseptically transfer the bacterium with an inoculating loop to
a clean glass slide and prepare a thin smear of the bacterium.
2. Air dry and heat-fix the bacterial smear.
3. Cover the bacterial smear with a piece of absorbent paper cut
to fit the smear and slide.
Place the slide over a container of boiling water.
4. Saturate the absorbent paper with malachite green stain
solution and steam for 5 minutes. Keep the paper moist by adding more
stain as required.
5. Remove the absorbent paper using forceps, allow the slide to cool,
and rinse the slide with water for 30 seconds.
6. Wash the slide with water.
7. Counter stain with safranin for 30 seconds.
8. Wash the slide with water and blot dry the slide.
9. Examine the slide under the oil immersion lens for the presence
of endospores.
On microscopic observation endospores appear in green color
and the vegetatives cells as pink.